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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

From The 4th Annual International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS)


The 4th Annual International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS)  was  held earlier this month in Porto, Portugal.   Jim  Spohrer, Director, IBM University Programs World-Wide (IBM UP), and co-Founder and Board of Directors member of ISSIP, was the  keynote speaker on the first day of conference.  You may find the full presentation package on Service Science: Smarter Planet & Big Data on Slideshare.

Dr Jorge Cardoso, Professor at the University of Coimbra and at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and  ISSIP Member, presented a paper on his latest research on Service “Networks”.   “The last decade has seen an increased interest in the study of networks in many fi elds of science. Examples are numerous, from sociology to biology, and to physical systems such as power grids. Nonetheless, the fi eld of service networks has received less attention. Previous research has mainly tackled the modeling of single service systems and service compositions, often focusing only on studying temporal relationships between services.”  Cardoso noted.    “The objective of this paper is to propose a computational model to represent the various types of relationships which can be established between services systems to model service networks. This work acquires a particular importance since the study of service networks can bring new scienti fic discoveries on how service-based economies operate at a global scale.”  Click here for the presentation.

Yassi Moghaddam

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