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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

ISSIP Member Introduces a new MOOC on How To Be A Young Innovator


One of our Members, Arnold Beekes,  and the Founder of The ProPer Way , has recently launched  his new MOOC on Udemy, a popular MOOC platform.  The course is called  “How to be a young Innovator“.   Here are a few words from Arnold about the course:


“The goal of this course is to help young people (18 – 30 years old) to become, to be and to remain innovators. This course covers both the professional as well as the personal requirements for being an innovator. I do call this ProPer, Professional as well as Personal. In other words, this course addresses the yin and yang of being a young innovator.That approach will enable you to become a stable and successful innovator. As there is a lot of information available about the ‘mechanics’ of innovation (the ‘doing’), we will focus on the even more important aspects of living the life of an innovator (the ‘being’).

Being an innovator is, both:

–  challenging and rewarding
–  difficult and fun
–  lonely and collaborative
–  empty and fulfilling
–  frustrating and empowering

Being an innovator is not just a job, which you will leave at 5pm to pick up your life again. It is a lifestyle of which you are the embodiment. It is impossible to separate life and work if you are an innovator. Innovators please be aware: it never stops!

Therefor you have to pay attention to carefully live this life, in order to be successful on all levels. For example, you have to be healthy and energetic to come up with great ideas. A clear mind is also needed to come up with solutions for the grand challenges of our society.

This course provides you the tools, the questions and the coaching to fully use your potential for the benefit of yourself and society.
In the course I will explain some of the key principles of innovation and of being an innovator. I do ask a lot of questions to trigger your learning. You will provide the answers and apply them in your (ProPer) life. A ‘live session’ is included to coach you with your specific issues.
This course includes 13 lectures and almost 2 hours of content!
There are no specific requirements.You can be an innovator in your own startup,  in a Corporation, in a NGO or in a social enterprise.”

Yassi Moghaddam

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ISSIP is a diverse global community advancing service innovation to benefit people, business and society. Membership is free for individuals. Our programs are funded by donor companies and institutions from industry, NGO, government and academia.


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