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Call For Booklet Proposals: Service Systems and Innovation in Business & Society
Hello Colleagues! Haluk Demirkan, and I are serving as collection editors for the Service Systems and Innovations in Business and Society for Business Expert Press. We are inviting published scholars and professionals with expertise in all areas of service science and systems in hopes that you will consider writing a booklet for this series and sending us a brief proposal that highlights your idea.
We want many disciplines and industry sectors represented in this collection. For example, booklets on marketing and retail service systems, or computer science and healthcare service systems. Send booklet proposals to:
Business Expert Press’s (BEP) focus is on producing concise, academically sound, applied books aimed at providing supplemental material for undergraduate and MBA business education as well as for the business executive education marketplace, an underserved market segment. These short booklets (about 80 pages on average) will be used in executive education, and as supplementary material in undergraduate and MBA programs. They might also be useful for the professional market. The books will be supplemented, as necessary, with cases, articles, newsletters and podcasts, and to this end BEP distributes its books through University Readers and Xanedu – the leading providers of course packs.
There are several reasons why you might want to consider contributing to this collection. You could use such a booklet in your teaching, both in traditional settings and executive settings. The booklet could enhance your consulting practice. It would give you an easy “underlined item” on your vita. BEP will sell your booklet both in print and in digital collections to the business school libraries of the world. The library market is large – 7000 libraries globally – and the prices paid for these one-time sales are relatively high when compared to one-time, direct-to-consumer sales. Thus they yield good royalty potential.
As you might know from your own executive teaching and/or consulting experiences or those of your colleagues, the material available for this market segment is sparse. Most educators rely on extracts from textbooks, articles, readings, cases, etc. all, often, precariously tied together in custom packets. It has been BEP’s experience that the best executive education/MBA teachers often distribute some of their own work in these custom packets. You might already have your own “technical notes” that you ask your students to read or your own PowerPoint presentations that you use to teach specific topics. These materials can serve as the starting point of a short book.
Our job as collection editors will be to guide you through topic selection, assist you in achieving the appropriate tone in your writing, and then support you through the production process. Professional editors will also help you polish the manuscript. Business Expert Press employs a quick, 120-day production timeline. All editors and operations are based in the United States.
Converting your expertise into short focused piece for the business education market will be a valuable contribution. We thank you, in advance, for your valuable contribution to the series. If you have an idea for a booklet that would fit this business model, please contact us via email. We look forward to discussing this opportunity with you.
Editors: James C. Spohrer and Haluk Demirkan
Send proposed booklets to:
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BEP Author Guidelines for Book ProposalINServiceScience&Systems
CFP_BookSeries_ServiceScience&Systems Aug 2011