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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

Call for Papers – Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Dear Colleagues,
Hello! I am serving as a co-chair of the “Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science” track of the upcoming 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) ( My co-chair, Christer Carlsson, and I are writing to internationally renowned scholars such as you with expertise in various areas of analytics, mobile systems, service science and emerging solutions in hopes that you will consider submitting a paper to minitracks in this track. We have already received a great deal of interest, and your contributions would help us improve the quality of the sessions. The deadline for submitting papers to HICSS-47 is June 15, 2013. Please consider submitting your work if it is related to any of the specific topics listed and/or if you feel it addresses visions of the future of this track. We expect a range of concepts, tools, methods, philosophies and theories to be discussed. We thank you, in advance, for your valuable contribution to HICSS-47. Please let us know if you have any questions or need additional information. We look forward to receiving your submission!

Best Regards,

Hilton Waikoloa, Big Island
January 6-9, 2014 (Monday-Thursday)

Additional detail may be found on HICSS primary web site:

The Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science Track ( is concerned first and foremost with emerging managerial and organizational decision-making strategies, processes, tools, technologies, services and solutions in the Digital Age. This track has four interrelated themes. Analytics focuses on decision making processes, models, tools and technologies. Mobile Services work with the development and delivery of data, information and services with mobile technology platforms. Challenges and issues of emerging service industries, and service orientation and -transformation of strategies, processes, organizations, systems and technologies are covered in Service Science. In this track, we also discuss innovative approaches of decision making for/with Critical and Emerging Solutions in a number of high-impact areas.

This track includes the following mini-tracks:
1. Analytics and Design-led Innovations & Management
2. Big Data: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities
3. Data, Text and Web Mining for Managerial Decision Support
4. Decision Making in Production Processes
5. Decision support for sustainability
6. Network DSS: Decision Support in Mobile Social and Sensor Networks
7. Information Filtering and Retrieval: Soft Computing Based Approaches
8. Innovation, Design, and Development of ICT Enabled Services
9. Intelligent Decision Support for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
10. Mobile Value Services
11. Multi-criteria Decision Support
12. New Economic Models of the Digital Economy
13. Open Data Services
14. Service Analytics
15. Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME)
16. Soft Computing in Intelligent Data Analysis
17. Telecommunications Analytics and Economics
18. Visualization and Analytics for Decision Support, Operational Management, and Scientific Discovery

June 15 – Submit full manuscripts for review. The review is double-blind; therefore this submission must be without author names.
Receive acceptance notification by August 15.
Revise your manuscript to add author names. If required, make other changes.
Submit Final Paper for Publication by September 15.


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