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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

Call for Papers and Authors


The 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Professor  Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University (ASU),  Center for Services Leadership, W. P. Carey School of Business Board of Directors Member, ISSIP Board of Director  (BOD) Member, is serving as a co-chair of the “Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science” track of the upcoming 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) . Please check out these important dates  and instruction to  submit a paper.


The 1st International Workshop on Service Science for e-Health (SSH 2013)

Please check out important dates and  paper submittal instructions for this workshop on Service Science for e-Health to be held Oct 9-12, Lisbon, Portugal.


2013 INFORMS Annnual Meeting: SERVICE SCIENCE Cluster, October 6-9, 2013, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for presentation for the Service Science Cluster at the INFORMS 2013 Annual Meeting, to be held from October 6-9, 2013, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. In the last 100 years, the importance of service in all facets of the economy has dramatically increased, leading to the current industry-led imperative on service science. Service science is an emerging field that requires an interdisciplinary approach to the study of service. It may integrate domain knowledge and methodologies from disciplines such as operations management, marketing, service research, information systems and computing, economics, and organization. Indicate your intention to submit to the Service Science Cluster by emailing your first and last name and email address to by May 10, 2013 and we will send you a confirmed invitation for you to submit to the INFORMS online system.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis.

2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Service Science Cluster

Ralph D. Badinelli
Professor Business Information Technology Department 0235
Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061 (540) 231-7688


The First International Conference Of Serviceology ( ICServ2013 ) National institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tokyo, Japan, October 16-18, 2013

Abstract submission deadline (Extended) to April 30

For more details, please click here.


Call For Booklet Proposals: Service Systems and Innovation in Business & Society Jim Spohrer, Director Global University Program, IBM,  and Haluk Demirkan, Professor ASU,  both ISSIP BOD Members, are serving as collection editors for the Service Systems and Innovations in Business and Society for Business Expert Press.  They  are inviting published scholars and professionals with expertise in all areas of service science and systems to consider writing a booklet for this series.  Please click here to send proposal that highlights your idea.

Yassi Moghaddam

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