On behalf of the ISSIP community, thank you for contributing your time, expertise and insights…
A sample list of software applications that can be used to develop videos:
A sample list of software applications that can be used to develop videos:
How to record and edit videos
- You can always use your camcorder’s application to record a video
- Windows Movie Maker (free software from windows) http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/movie-maker-get-started#t1=overview
- Doceri screen capture http://doceri.com/index.php
- iMovie for Apple
- Use webcam to record video https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/57409?hl=en
- https://www.youtube.com/my_videos_upload
- Voice over power point slide shows (power point > insert > audio > record audio)
- YouTube editor for editing a pre-developed videos http://www.youtube.com/editor
- Camtasia (1 month trial version) http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html
- Adobe presenter (1 month trial version) http://www.adobe.com/products/presenter.html
- Free video editing software http://desktopvideo.about.com/od/editingsoftware/a/freevidedit.htm
- Top Compression Software http://desktopvideo.about.com/od/videoonyourwebsite/tp/videocompressionsoftware.htm
How to export movie to YouTube
- YouTube editor for editing a pre-developed videos http://www.youtube.com/editor
- How To Export From Movie Maker (http://video.about.com/desktopvideo/Export-in-Movie-Maker.htm#vdTrn)
- How To Export From Final Cut Pro (http://video.about.com/desktopvideo/Export-your-movie.htm#vdTrn)
- How To Export From iMovie (http://video.about.com/desktopvideo/Apple-iMovie-4-web-export.htm#vdTrn)
- How To Export From Camtasia (http://video.about.com/desktopvideo/export-your-camtasia-project.htm#vdTrn)
- Callnote for Skype conference voice recording – http://shop.skype.com/apps/Call-recording-audio-only/Callnote.html
Please respond to this blog if you are aware of any other applications.
Thank you.