Milgard Endowed Professor at Univ of WA Tacoma, Cognitive Science Lead at Amazon, and ISSIP…
Please Join us at the EMERGING FRONTIERS FOR SERVICE INNOVATION Symposium @ HICSS 2015, Jan 5th, Kauai, HI, US
You are invited to join us for the 1st EMERGING FRONTIERS FOR SERVICE INNOVATION SYMPOSIUM (sponsored by ISSIP, IBM, Cisco and HP) at the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) on January 5, 2015, Grand Hyatt, Kauai ( HICSS is one of the premier information systems research conferences sponsored by the Shidler College of Business, University of Hawai’i at Manoa (
This premier event will bring together innovative business and technology minds, and engage academics and practitioners to further the science of service. Here are just a few reasons you won’t want to miss:
- Practitioners + Academics: The Symposium will provide lots of opportunities for cross fertilization between practitioners from leading companies (e.g. IBM Almaden Research, HP, and Cisco), and academics (e.g. U. of Hawaii, U. of California, and U. of Warwick), as well as professional organizations (e.g. ISSIP).
- Applied Research: We will hear and learn about most recent applied research results and new opportunities. Also, learn more about new relevant sponsor research opportunities.
- Catch up with Trends and Learn Current Strategies: World-renowned speakers will present the latest thinking and best practices that are getting real results.
- Grow Your Network:Meet like-minded people who “speak your language”. Join ISSIP, the International Society of Service Innovation Professionals free of charge and have an access to 500+ practitioners, academics and policy makers (
- Be a part of the future Service Innovation Agenda…
All HICSS attendees are invited to attend this symposium. If you would like to participate, sign up when you register for the HICSS Conference. If you already registered for the HICSS 2015, but did not indicate on your registration form that you would like to attend the symposium, please let us know via email ( We can update your registration.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference and the symposium!
Terri Griffith (Santa Clara University)
Yassi Moghaddam (ISSIP)
Christoph F. Breidbach (University of Melbourne)
James C. Spohrer (IBM)
Haluk Demirkan (University of Washington)