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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals


I like to share brief information about a new course that I developed and offered during summer of 2014 with IBM’s smarter planet solutions. The course is titled “MKTG 490 INNOVATION MANAGEMENT: DIGITAL SERVICE INNOVATIONS FOR SMARTER CITIES

Please let me know if you need any more information…

Thanks, Haluk

COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, we discuss about innovation, service innovation and digital service innovations in context of smart cities and planet. The concept of a “smart city” addresses the use of information technology in urban life. Our ability to collect and analyze flood of data from mobile solutions, sensors, cameras, internet-of-things etc. is getting much more efficient and effective. The result is an unprecedented opportunity to optimize the operations of city flows and planet [energy, water/waste, materials, transportation systems & people, information, food supply, urban design, resilience and much more (e.g., circular economy)]; to improve city human development [buildings & construction, hospitality & retail/entertainment & culture, business & finance, health, education, etc.]; to develop better city government [nested, networked nature of governance from individual households up to city up to nation and continental region]; and to create more citizen participation in local government and community activities. Smarter solutions can be for cities in crisis/bust mode (e.g., “Detroit”) produce a smart phone app dashboard to monitor the city vital signs; and/or for cities in growth/boom mode (e.g., formerly “Dubai”) produce a smart phone app dashboard to monitor city vital signs.


Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

  • Develop an understanding of the value of digital service innovation.
  • Build familiarity with innovative uses of IT to smarter cities and planet.
  • Understand the role of digital services to be able to identify opportunities for sustainability and quality of life.
  • Learn how a city can be smarter with business analytics.
  • Practice open service innovation approach.
  • In this elective course, I had senior and junior students from management, marketing, nursing, communications and computer science disciplines.
  • The course is intended for students pursuing careers in which digital service innovation is critical to the development of new products and services.
  • Students learned a lot of concepts and techniques by mostly using IBM resources, and developed a number of solution proposals to address a number of smart planet opportunities and issues.

Tools/Technology Solutions/Simulations

Sample Content:


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