This month's topic for our "Engineering the 21st Century Service Economy" explores the need for…
CALL FOR PAPERS: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017)
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017)
Track 26: Service Innovation, Engineering and Management
June 5th-10th 2017 / Guimarães, Portugal
Deadline for paper submissions: December 3, 2016
Roman Beck
- Head of Research Group Technology, Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (TIME); IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark;
- Haluk Demirkan; Professor of Service Innovation & Business Analytics; Milgard School of Business, University of Washington at Tacoma, Washington, USA;
- Jens Poeppelbuss; Professor of Industrial Services; University of Bremen, Germany;
An increasing number of activities of public and private organizations are engineered and managed as services, often creating innovations for economic growth and social welfare. This development is mirrored in the domain of information systems, which becomes evident in the use of services as the organizing logic for providing information systems (IS), in the use of services as an architectural paradigm (service-oriented-architecture, SOA), and in the development of Cloud-based services for data, information, processes, applications and infrastructures. Moreover, the increasing amalgamation of IS-enabled services offer substantial opportunities for service innovation. Currently, researchers and practitioners alike still suffer from a lack of theory-rooted knowledge for engineering and managing services as well as leveraging IS for service innovation. The advent and success of the service paradigm challenges previously established concepts in the IS discipline, such as the separation between B2B and B2C relationships, corporate IS and consumer IS, or internal IS and external services. The proliferation of a service society is an increasingly global phenomenon that calls for relevant and rigorous research that reaches across traditional geographical and disciplinary boundaries. Service-focused research in IS thus needs to create and refine concepts, models, methods, and systems to reflect these developments.
- Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Digital services and transformation
- Service orientation, transformation and innovation
- Service platforms, markets and ecosystems
- IT service management and governance
- Service-oriented architectures
- Service business model innovation
- Service modularization
- Service portfolio management
- Mobile services
- Online service delivery and experience
- Cyber physical systems and IS-enabled product-service systems
- Self-service technologies
- Service analytics, measurement and improvement
- Contributions to interdisciplinary service science research from an IS vantage point
- Service science and systems theories
- Service systems engineering
- IS and value co-creation/resource integration theories, models and methods
- E-Service design theory and methods
- Human and ethical issues, privacy and security of e-services