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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

ISSIP Cognitive Systems Institute Group Speaker Series : September 19, 10:30am US Eastern Time

Two Speakers from IJCAI-9 – Lingfei Wu, I-Hong Jhuo,
(1) Similarity Preserving Representation Learning for Time Series Clustering
(2) Set-to-Set Hashing with Applications in Visual Recognition

When:  Thursday, September 19, 10:30 am US Eastern.

Zoom Detail Below


Dr. Lingfei Wu is a passionate researcher and responsible team leader,developing novel deep learning/machine learning models for solving real-worldchallenging problems. He has served as the PI in IBM for several federal agencies such as DARPA and NSF (more than $1.8M), as well as MIT-IBM Watson AILab. He has published more than 50 top-ranked conference and journal papers inML/DL/NLP domains and is a co-inventor of more than 20 filed US served as aSPC/TPC member of the following major AI/ML/DL/DM/NLP conferences includingNIPS, ICML, ICLR, ACL, IJCAI, AAAI, and KDD. patents. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award of several conferences such as IEEE ICC’19 and KDD workshop on DLG’19. His research has been featured in numerous media outlets, includingNatureNews, YahooNews, Venturebeat,TechTalks, SyncedReview, Leiphone, QbitAI, MIT News, IBM Research News,and SIAM News. He has organized or served as Poster co-chairs of IEEE BigData’19,Tutorial co-chairs of IEEE BigData’18, Workshop co-chairs of Deep Learning on Graphs (with KDD’19, IEEE BigData’19, and AAAI’20), and regularly

Dr. I-Hong Jhuo is a software engineer in IBM. He has been involved in designing on top performance systems and recognized by U.S. NIST TREC video retrieval evaluation 2011 on multimedia event detection task, U.S. DARPA project and the winner of the 2012 ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge 1st Place Award. His research has been mentioned in several channels, including National Geographic and IEEE Multimedia. I-Hong has over 20 top-ranked conference and journal papers in Computer vision, Machine Learning and Deep Learning domains. He has served in IEEE TIP, TMM, TNNLS, Transactions on Cybernetics, Pattern Recognition as reviewer, etc and he regularly served as TPC member in CVPR, ICCV, ICPR, ICME, ICMR and ACM Multimedia, etc. His project interests include data analysis, structured data learning algorithms, deep learning and their applications in computer vision and multimedia.

Zoom meeting Link:
Zoom Calling: (415) 762-9988 or (646) 568-7788 Meeting id 7371462221

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