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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

2022 Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Awards and Recognition

ISSIP volunteers are recognized during the twice-a-year Progress/BoD events and may earn digital badges, in some cases. Whether you have just a hour a year or a couple hours every week of your time to donate, becoming an ISSIP volunteer is a great way to build your technical eminence in an external innovation community and professional association.

Find Out Where Your Help Is Most Needed

Please email to be added to the ISSIP Slack workspace ( and #volunteer channel; it’s the best way to join ongoing volunteer discussions.

Because service innovation is such a broad and important topic, touching so many areas of win-win interaction and change across business and society, ISSIP has diverse volunteer opportunities for nearly everyone, across sectors (industry, academia, government, other), across career stage (student, early, mid, late, retiree), as well as across diverse levels of expertise and areas of interest. ISSIP volunteers support lifelong learners who embrace the philosophy that everyone has something to learn and to share. ISSIP volunteers also embrace the idea of continuous upskilling to become better T-shaped adaptive innovators, with both greater breadth and greater depth of skills and interests.

Three Main Roles – Sponsors, Leadership Team, Supporters

ISSIP volunteers fall into three main roles – sponsors, leadership team, and supporters – taking responsibility for annual financial support, ensuring necessary outcomes, and pitching in to get association activities done, respectively.

  • Sponsors, also referred to as institutional members, provide funding for ISSIP’s operations, including the ISSIP Executive Director, who works with the ISSIP President and Vice President (annually elected) on week-to-week annual operations. Long-time sponsors typically have representatives on the Board of Directors, Strategy Council, and Executive Committee. ISSIP Presidents/VPs are frequently, but not always, members of sponsor companies.
  • Leadership Team (individual members) include committees with chairs, co-chairs, and members who ensure necessary outcomes of the professional association each year. While the leadership team tends to be mid and late career professionals, there are also some retiree, early career, and even student leaders as well.
  • Supporters (individual members) include innovators, researchers, reflective practitioners, and students who can earn awards and recognition, building their technical eminence for speaking, writing, and creating/improving offerings for customers/users as part of ISSIP events, committees, operations, awards, and other activities and programs.
ISSIP Volunteer Opportunities
ISSIP Volunteer Opportunities
Jim Spohrer

Who are we?

ISSIP is a diverse global community advancing service innovation to benefit people, business and society. Membership is free for individuals. Our programs are funded by donor companies and institutions from industry, NGO, government and academia.


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