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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

Service Systems Engineering in the Era of Human-Centered AI

The Forum on Complex Unifiable Systems (FOCUS) of the US National Academy of Engineering is hosting an online event entitled Service Systems Engineering in the Era of Human-Centered AI on Monday October 17, 2022 from 11am-5pm ET. Register online here. For more information about the event please see here. The event will NOT be recorded. Those who register will be notified of future events that may be organized on this topic. Also, those who register are invited and encouraged to please take this short survey to provide a position statement on the topic. Dr. Vittal Prabhu will lead a moderated discussion to explore position statements near the end of the online event. For additional information that is related to this topic, see also the Bridge issue on Complex Unifiable Systems and the book Service in the AI Era.

NAE Virtual Exchange on Service Systems Engineering in the Era of Human-Centered AI

Dear Colleague:

On behalf of Dr. Guru Madhavan and Dr. Bill Rouse from the National Academy of Engineering, I write to invite you to participate in the October 17, 2022, NAE Forum on Complex Unifiable Systems (FOCUS) program’s virtual exchange on service systems engineering in the era of human-centered AI, an event being co-organized with Dr. Paul Maglio and Dr. Jim Spohrer.

With AI advances poised to drive service system productivity and quality—similar to the way previous generations of technology revolutionized agriculture and manufacturing productivity and quality—it is time to take stock for industry-academic-and-government stakeholders on this important topic.  This online exchange will begin with an opening keynote from Dr. Nicholas Donofrio of IBM (Retired Executive Vice President Innovation and Technology), followed by four panels and an open discussion on next steps that the National Academy of Engineering could pursue on this subject. The meeting agenda is attached, we believe your participation can help stimulate a lively exchange of ideas.

Please register here for further event details and the Zoom link.

With our thanks and best wishes,
Guru Madhavan
Bill Rouse
Paul P. Maglio
Jim Spohrer
cc: Darul West

Additional Resources

Jim Spohrer

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