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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

ISSIP 2023 Excellence in Service Innovation Award Program Awardees

Creates New Overall Winner Category and Recognizes Additional 8 for Distinguished Service in Robust Array of ISSIP Community Submissions

Santa Clara, CA, April 11, 2023  — The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP), the membership organization advancing Service Innovation for our interconnected world, today announced the winners of the 2023 Excellence in Service Innovation Awards and the Distinguished Recognition Awards. (See Press Release here).

The ISSIP Excellence in Service award is given to a company or organization that has designed, developed, or deployed a novel solution that, in the judgment of, the ISSIP Awards Committee, is the most innovative of all the submissions for that year in its category. Submissions undergo rigorous evaluation by ISSIP’s Awards Committee, composed of experts from industry and academia that are not affiliated with the submitting companies. Submissions are judged by scoring on the uniqueness, creativity, technical merit, value generation and impact of the innovative solution in each of three categories: ‘impact to business,’ ‘impact to society’ and ‘impact to innovation.’

Utpal Mangla“The 2023 ISSIP Excellence in Service Award winners and distinguished recognition awardees highlight the broad spectrum of innovative offerings and creativity of our growing community of service innovation professionals,” said Utpal Mangla (IBM General Manager Edge Cloud, and ISSIP President 2023). “In particular this year, we recognize Awards Chair Haroon Abbu for his innovative leadership in creating a new category for Overall Impact, to recognize an exemplary submission across all three of ISSIP’s traditional recognition categories.”

ISSIP congratulates Luna XIO, Inc. for Overall Impact of this work, to Business, to Society and to Innovation itself.

Haroon Abbu“My thanks to the many members of the ISSIP community who submitted this year’s highly impressive crop of innovations, and much thanks to the seven members of this year’s award committee for making the time to rigorously evaluate, rank and score the submissions,” said Haroon Abbu (Bell & Howell SVP Digital and Data Analytics, and ISSIP Awards Chairperson 2023). 



Each award winning organization and team is invited to share their innovation project or initiative with the ISSIP Community, in ISSIP’s Weekly Speaker Series in the coming months. Recordings will be uploaded to ISSIP Youtube and the slides uploaded to ISSIP Slideshare.

The 2023 ISSIP Excellence in Service Innovation Award winners are:

Award Type: Overall Impact – Business, Society, Innovation

Innovation: Luna BLE-to-Cloud Protocol

Summary: Luna is the world’s first standard for BLE-to-cloud communications. It is secure. It is bidirectional. It should’ve been devised ten years ago at the same time beaconing was introduced and indeed many have implemented BLE-to-cloud communication verticals but none have tried or succeeded in developing a standard that makes this connectivity open to (almost) any device and any application.

Organization: Luna XIO, Inc.
Primary Contact: Arman Maghbouleh (LI) (DC)

Alan Gous (LI) (DC), Jeff Bazar (LI) (DC), Mat Taylor (LI) (DC), Greg Stanek (LI) (DC), Manikandan Nambiar (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Impact to Business

Innovation: Robotics Solutions for Asset Performance

Summary: This is an entirely new market and service. We are combining state of the art agile robots with the latest AI capabilities from IBM Research, and moving data from the Edge to the Cloud in a secure way that will meet the standards of IT organizations as these solutions move toward full operational adoption.

Organization: IBM (@IBM)
Primary Contact: Kay Murphy (LI) (DC)

Nancy Greco (LI) (DC), Vahik Voskanian (LI) (DC), Raghu Ramaswamy (LI) (DC), Shiva G (LI) (DC), Michele Diserio (LI) (DC), Skip Snyder (LI) (DC), Dhiraj Joshi (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Impact to Society

Innovation: d.Tree Studio: Three Trees, Two Institutions and Twelve Makers

Summary: Detroit Trees have much to teach us about respecting the wisdom of people, place and history. The shared focus and language around trees and urban lumber is what makes the d.Tree Studio unique. We can use the power of creative inquiry, craft, sustainability, community vision and storytelling to change people’s hearts and minds. By focusing on our natural resources and The City of Detroit’s Sustainable Action Agenda, there are no hidden agendas as we can collectively agree to foreground environmental sustainable systems. The process of social innovation enhances society and capacity to act. By documenting and understanding the cultural and environmental life cycle of Detroit trees; we can create new roles, relationships, while developing assets and capabilities. Our service design maps allowed for true collaborations with our partners to understand our thinking, intentions and motivations to collectively build a deep understanding of an African American Museum and art and design school workflows.

Organization: Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, College for Creative Studies (@TheWrightMuseum)
Primary Contact: Leslie Tom (LI) (DC)

Ian Lambert (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Impact to Innovation

Innovation: To Engage or Not to Engage with AI for Critical Judgments: How Professionals Deal with Opacity When Using AI for Medical Diagnosis

Summary: This study is the first in-depth, longitudinal investigation of how ML-based prediction tools are used for medical diagnosis decision making. AI tools may operate in similar ways technologically, but they are experienced in unique ways depending on the users, context, and work practices. This is a fundamentally new way to think about opacity and has implications for how ML tools are designed and deployed in critical decision making contexts.

Organization: University of Virginia, Warwick University, New York University (@UVA, @warwickuni, @nyuniversity)
Primary Sarah Lebovitz (LI) (DC)
Hila Lifshitz-Assaf (LI) (DC), Natalia Levina (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Distinguished Recognition

Innovation: SWAMSmob app (South West Aboriginal Medical Service)

Summary: First Indigenous medical/health service app. It will reduce the burden of cost to external parties and improve health service delivery and connection with transient complex communities. The two primary features are a ‘men’s only’ and a ‘women’s only’ spaces. This means male doctors and health care workers can have direct contact with male patients and the same for female doctors and health care workers with female patients. It is culturally and gender safe spaces and addresses those ceremonial practices as well as shame factors that often impinge on self-health care amongst Indigenous groups.

Organization: South West Aboriginal Medical Service
Primary Contact: Christopher Lawrence (LI) (DC)
Lesley Nelson (LI) (DC), Tuck Leong (LI) (DC), Greg Wadley (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Distinguished Recognition

Innovation: Cisco Service Supply Chain Digital Twin

Summary: Inside Cisco, we developed a technology infrastructure called Service Delivery Insights Platform (SDIP). The SDIP has enhanced processes for dispatching resources from the most appropriate warehouse and engineer base. This, in turn, has improved planning and decision-making necessary for maintaining adequate spare part inventories and field service team availability, while also enhancing the dispatch selection process.

Organization: Cisco Systems, Inc. (@cisco)
Primary Contact: Warner de Gooijer (LI) (DC)
Jeff Dooley (LI) (DC), Ram Venna (LI) (DC), Margaret O’Neil (LI) (DC), Andrew Clark (LI) (DC), Venkata Kotagiri (LI) (DC), Colin Koh (LI) (DC), Sunil Thumma (LI) (DC), Chandra Matakala (LI) (DC), Rama Illandula (LI) (DC), Prakash Dhole (LI) (DC), Rajiv Wani (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Distinguished Recognition

Innovation: Cisco DNA Center – Sustainability Solution

Summary: The combined use of network telemetry, advanced techniques to discover seasonality in wireless network usage, as well as AI/ML spatio-temporal analysis for fine-grained seasonality analysis per network zone to detect microcosm patterns.

Organization: Cisco Systems, Inc. (@cisco)
Primary Contact: Ammar Rayes (LI) (DC)
Samer Salam (LI) (DC), Taha Hajjar (LI) (DC), Balaji Venkatraman (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Distinguished Recognition

Innovation: Help you turn your sustainability strategy into action With IBM LinuxONE Emperor 4

Summary: IBM LinuxONE Emperor 4 was designed, developed, and manufactured for end-to-end sustainability, all without compromising security, performance, or response time. Optimized to scale capacity up to 20 billion web transactions per day while reducing energy consumption and the physical and CO2 footprints.

Organization: IBM (@IBM)
Primary Contact: Deena Mele (LI) (DC)
Nada Santiago (LI) (DC), Rick Schoonmaker (LI) (DC), Davis Ward (LI) (DC), Susan Shumway (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Distinguished Recognition

Innovation: Oceanic Impact – Redefining the Marine Debris Supply Chain

Summary: This service innovation is unique in concept, business model, and execution. Founded upon the need to increase waste diversion and creating a circular economy, the innovation seeks to redefine the entire marine debris supply chain and increase the reusing, recycling, repurposing and upcycling rates. Rather than competing with existing solutions, it collaborates with them to amplify their work and impact. Finally, it actively explores different business models through social financing, impact measurement, and greenhouse gas reduction to ensure that the projects are sustainable and scalable both across industries and geographies.

Organization: Oceanic Impact Inc. (@SurgeInnovation)
Primary Contact: Lisa Chen (LI) (DC)
Leah Lourenco (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Distinguished Recognition

Innovation: Transforming the aquaculture industry using technology to optimize complex farming processes and systems to meet the growing food demands of the future while reducing the farming footprint on the environment.

Summary: An all-in-one system. Unlike anything in this industry, the service innovation addresses critical challenges in aquaculture, such as water management, environmental footprint, animal cruelty, health, and disease management, business and operational management, output optimization, feed optimization, forecast and predictions, real-time monitoring and data analytics, the impact of farming on the ecosystem, and water pollution.

Organization: Aquafort AI Inc. (@AiAquafort)
Primary Contact: Siti Jalaluddin (LI) (DC)
Ali Alfosool (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Distinguished Recognition

Innovation: Cisco DNA Center Wireless 3D Analyzer

Summary: This innovation presents the industry’s first 3D wireless planning and troubleshooting tool that combines predictive models with telemetry data that is collected live from the network to help provide actionable insights to wireless network operators to help them with day 0 planning as well as day 2 troubleshooting.

Organization: Cisco Systems, Inc. (@cisco)
Primary Contact: Samer Salam (LI) (DC)
Arun Khanna (LI) (DC), Pradeep Kathail (LI) (DC), Stefano Ferrari (LI) (DC), Salvatore Valenza (LI) (DC), Taha Hajar (LI) (DC), Minse Kim (LI) (DC), Bhuvi Chopra (LI) (DC), Naveen Tyagi (LI) (DC), Matt Silverman (LI) (DC), Nikodin Ristanovic (LI) (DC), Horacio Arze (LI) (DC), Danielle Bane (LI) (DC), Arul Iyyavoo (LI) (DC), Victor Jorge (LI) (DC), Dmitrijs Lesnevskis (LI) (DC), Sergio Barreto Andrad (LI) (DC), Antonio Ribalaygua (LI) (DC), Khanh Nguyen (LI) (DC), Jim Florwick (LI) (DC), Mingyu Liu (LI) (DC), Jan Schlossberg (LI) (DC)

Award Type: Distinguished Recognition

Innovation: Cultural Innovation for Change

Summary: Innovation arose out of Sejal’s work in employment law, where the negative outcomes of an “in-civil” workplace were costing companies and individuals dollars and distress. Identifying the root cause of all this negative litigation prompted Sejal to contrive an approach that would address the basic issue of civility in the workplace.

Organization: TrainXtra
Primary Contact: Sejal Thakkar (LI) (DC)

With Impact awardees receive an ISSIP Digital Credential for Excellence In Service Innovation. Distinguished Recognition awardees receive an ISSIP Digital Credential for Distinguished Recognition.

ISSIP again expresses our appreciation for the impressive submissions this year. All the offerings listed above are exemplary service innovations that seek to improve win-win interactions and change in business and society.

Jim Spohrer

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ISSIP is a diverse global community advancing service innovation to benefit people, business and society. Membership is free for individuals. Our programs are funded by donor companies and institutions from industry, NGO, government and academia.


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