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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

2024 Collab AI Digital Twins

What is an AI Digital Twin of a person? Watch as Reid Hoffman’s AI digital twin interviews himself. Read more about AI digital twins here.

Congratulations to all the 2024 ISSIP AI Collab (Academic-Industry Collaboration Lab) students for earning an ISSIP Digital Certificate! Students can add the ISSIP Digital Certificate to their LinkedIn profile by following the instructions here.


Bryn Goldman (LI) (DC), Natalie Grim (LI) (DC), Gonzalo Rambla (LI) (DC), Clare Relihan (LI) (DC), Shakeb Siddiqui (LI) (DC)

See the team’s project deliverables on the topic of exploring digital twins to help the ISSIP community better understand this leading edge, emerging technology – whitepaper, presentation, recording, github repo, recording GitHub repo walkthrough, showcase poster, and kick-off presentation of client request.

Faculty advisor: Vittal Prabhu (LI), Alumni advisor: Toni Rae (LI), Doctoral candidate advisor: Anshul Balamar (LI)


Vincent Li (LI) (DC), Viola Shao (LI) (DC), Bradford Lee (LI) (DC), Vy Nguyen (LI) (DC), Victor Lin (LI) (DC), Nikhil Bhatia (LI) (DC)

See the team’s project deliverables on the topic of exploring digital twins to help the ISSIP community better understand this leading edge, emerging technology – service innovation case for AI digital twins of people that is posted to GitHub and includes generative AI created text of capabilities, benefits and harms, positive and negative images of capability, summary video of case, as well as the ethical citations of tools used, prompts, and dates. The project team’s white paper is here. Also see the AI Digital Twin (version 1) they created of ISSIP Client (Jim Spohrer) in this HeyGen recording here and this longer ISSIP Youtube recording with background information here with accompanying slide deck here. The training data can be found here (3 minutes long training data). The team also created a version of the talk and Q&A in French (here).The SJSU MIS student team presented to the ISSIP Executive Committee on May 15, 2024 (recording) (slides).

Faculty advisor: Ramamurti Sridar (LI). Thanks also to Stephen Kwan (LI) for helping establish and maintain the relationship with SJSU Lucas College of Business.

U Washington Tacoma

Pooja Jhobalia (LI) (DC), Revathi Chintapalli (LI) (DC), Aaron Thai (LI) (DC), Moosa Naushab (LI) (DC), Lourdes Sinsaya (LI) (DC), Kunsulyu Janabayeva (LI) (DC), Jada Simpson (LI) (DC), Kaitlin Dahlberg (LI) (DC)

Outstanding use of GitHub by the Milgard School of Business’s Center for Business Analytics – Analytics Innovation Club (AI Club) student team – see the work here. And also the project summary poster with responsible AI evaluation principles is important to review.

Faculty advisor: Michael Turek (LI). Also thanks to Ozge Kantar Boyraz for project assistance. Thanks also to Haluk Demirkan (LI) for helping establish and maintain the relationship with U Washington Tacoma.

Cal State University Long Beach (CSULB)

Coming soon…

Faculty advisor: Debra Satterfield, and overall ISSIP AI Collab Leader. See Deb’s ISSIP blog post to learn more about ISSIP AI Collab opportunities to connect academic and industry teams. The poster summarizes the student teams efforts to help the ISSIP community gain more insights about existing AI tools, strengths and weaknesses, for creating service innovation case studies.

What is Service Innovation?

Service innovations often combine new technologies, new business models, and new institutional arrangements (laws). Understanding capabilities, benefits, harms, and stakeholders is key to understanding service innovation. All stakeholder entities, including people, businesses, universities, governments, cities, etc., learn to become better future versions of themselves by giving and getting service. Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another. Innovations change practices of people, and service innovations change whole systems, shifting them towards more win-win interactions. The power to change is in interactions – give-get-and-grow. Service innovation professionals are T-shaped with communication breadth and problem-solving depth. Service innovation professionals have the skills to use new technologies, new business models, and new institutional arrangements (laws) to amplify win-win interactions in business and society.

Image Credit:
Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by OpenAI DALL-E 3, Jim Spohrer (20231217) Prompt: “Show university students (a woman) universities all over the world (around a globe) using generative AI to create historical cases of service innovations”

Jim Spohrer

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ISSIP is a diverse global community advancing service innovation to benefit people, business and society. Membership is free for individuals. Our programs are funded by donor companies and institutions from industry, NGO, government and academia.


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