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The International Society for Service Innovation Professionals

Call for 2025 Excellence in Service Innovation Nominations

APPLY HERE to nominate a colleague, team, project, or organization for
ISSIP Excellence in Service Innovation Award

Deadline for Submission: 11:59 pm PST, Dec. 31, 2024

The ISSIP Excellence in Service Innovation Award is given once each year to a company or organization (and their individual representatives), that has deployed a new service that, in the judgment of the ISSIP Award Committee, is the most innovative of all of the submissions for that year with impact to business, society, and innovation. The runner-ups will also be recognized through the ISSIP Distinguished Recognition Award, given to submissions that represent innovative and impactful service designs and implementations from which service innovators around the world can derive inspiration. See 2024 winners here.

The winners will:

  • be announced and displayed on the official ISSIP newsletter, website and email distribution lists.
  • receive a branded statement of the Award for posting on the winner’s website.
  • have an opportunity to present in one or (more) of the ISSIP Frontiers of Service Innovation Programs (e.g. weekly speaker series, webinars, discovery summits, conferences)
  • will be issued digital credentials which can be shared on the winner’s website and through social media.


The submitter must be:

  • an Individual ISSIP member or an employee of an ISSIP Corporate or Institutional Member.
  • authorized to make the submission on behalf of all persons or entities that share ownership of the service. This authorization must be established with the written consent by all such owners at the time of submission.


Please carefully fill in this form. Keep in mind the following as you fill in the form.

  • What is the context of the service?
  • Who benefits?
  • Who are the participants?
  • How does the service co-create value?
  • When was this service first offered?
  • What is the scale today? And what is scalability potential?
  • What are potential harms? How are they mitigated?
  • What is the business model? For governance, what institutional arrangements?
  • What are the benefits of the service in terms of:
    • Economic value
    • Improvements in health and safety
    • Improvements in quality of life
    • Improvements in the quality of work
    • Energy efficiency
    • Environmental protection or enhancement
    • Education
    • Other forms of value
  • To what extent does the service makes use of advanced technologies including:
    • Artificial/Augmented Intelligence (AI) including Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
    • Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Metaverse
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Cloud resources
    • Data & Analytics
    • Mobile technologies
    • High-Performance Computing (HPC)
    • Robotics
    • Gaming
    • And others?

Optional Supplemental information may be submitted in the form of:

  • a web site, access to the user interface, video, user stories or other validation of the actual deployment of the service.
  • a document in pdf such as an article or a white paper.

Submitters must make sure that proprietary information is excluded from all submissions. By submitting your package you give ISSIP permission to post the brief description and the supplemental information on the ISSIP website after the results are announced.


  • Submissions will be evaluated by an Award Committee, comprised of the ISSIP Executive Committee and selected technical advisors.  Any members of the Award Committee who are affiliated with a company, organization or institution from which submission has been made must recuse themselves from the entire evaluation process.
  • The judging criteria will be based on the uniqueness, creativity, technical merit, value generation and impact of the innovative solution.
  • The winner will be announced by the first Board of Directors Meeting following the deadline for submissions.

Who are we?

ISSIP is a diverse global community advancing service innovation to benefit people, business and society. Membership is free for individuals. Our programs are funded by donor companies and institutions from industry, NGO, government and academia.


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