‘Designing human-AI ecosystems for flourishing in education, work, and communities’ Talk by Prof David Lee of UCSC Tech 4 Good Lab

Thanks to the many ISSIP ambassadors who participated in person at Prof David Lee’s talk on March  in Silicon Valley in March 13th, 2024. Professor Lee shared practical insights gained from growing the Tech4Good lab which involves over 120 undergraduate students each quarter. These students explore user research, UI/UX design, web development, and AI, all while making a tangible impact on hundreds within the community.

Five ISSIP members attended the event, ‘exploring, asking, and speculating: designing ecosystems for flourishing in a whitewater world.’ (See picture above L to R:

ISSIP Ambassador, Piyush Malik  ,ISSIP Ambassador, Prof. David T. Lee -Kraw Lecture Speaker ,ISSIP Ambassaor, Jim Spohrer, Mathew Fuchs , ISSIP Ambassador, Jan-Simon Veicht (Not Shown)



The two main themes of the talk were; Education, work and communities and Human AI Interactions. The first explored a more tightly integrated approach to education, work and community engagement, exploring how to design a system in which community projects provide a source of real-world learning to even those with little to no prior experience, and where learners can be organized to sustainably support needs in the community. In addition to braiding community and education, professor Lee also explored using and adapting work structures to support experiential learning opportunities through hands-on projects, connecting education with real-world social innovation.

For human and AI interactions, Professor Lee delved into three main ideas; repurposing micro-task algorithms for use in rich collaborative dynamics, building new models of human-AI computation around human strengths and designing AI to support reflective journeys and communities. Diving into the roles of AI in enhancing learning and collaboration alongside reflections on fostering more human-centered human-AI interactions.