ISSIP Discovery Summit Future of Work Series- Hybrid Workplace: Opportunities After The Crisis -post

ISSIP Discovery Summit: Future of Work Series: Hybrid Workplace, Opportunities After the Crisis

When: June 8, 2021, 8-11 am US Pacific Time (PT)
Where: Webex 

Click HERE For The Recording

The pandemic has turbocharged the adoption of what was already on the horizon for the future of work for many companies: a hybrid workplace. The global rapid prototyping of remote working for knowledge workers during the past year proved that the remote work model offers many opportunities, from lower overhead and flexible schedules to reductions in employee commuting and increases in productivity along with lower attrition rates. But, it also brought some challenges, such as worker loneliness, burnout, a diminished sense of cultural belonging, and more. As companies open offices, they are designing hybrid workplaces to address the challenges while realizing the opportunities of remote work.

In this session, industry experts and academic scholars explored these opportunities and challenges, and they discussed the long-term implications of a hybrid workplace from the employee and the employer experience. 

Agenda (US/Canada PDT time zone)

8:00 am- Welcome 

Ulf Vinneras, ISSIP President, Head of Service Product Management, Aruba Networks

Yassi Moghaddam, Executive Director, ISSIP

Introduction slides

8:10 – Panel 1

The Human Experience: Integrating Tech and Wellbeing

Moderator /Chair opening –  Yassi Moghaddam, Executive Director, ISSIP

9:30 – Break   

9:35 – Panel 2 

Digital Transformation: Optimizing The New Workforce

Moderator/Chair opening, PK Agarwal, Dean, UC Santa Cruz Extension (former CTO, State of California)

11:00 – Closing

11:15  – 12:45 

Thought Leadership  Ideation Session to Co-Create Publications – All speakers and participants are invited to this session. The goal is to co-create together and publish a white paper and a book designed to synthesize, highlight, and educate on the key themes of the Discovery Summit.

 We would like to thank our sponsors, Cisco, for their tremendous support!